Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Just Breathe

The whole house-hunting thing has me stressed out, anxious, and a tad depressed.  I was being snarky (I know, such a SHOCK!), asking myself "What the fuck am I supposed to be relishing in this whole ordeal?"

After all, relish is the word that descended upon me, knocking the other word I was eye-balling out of the damn park.  I do still need to type up that entry.....

Anyways, I was taking my third walk with Holly (which, by the way, she turned FOURTEEN today!), and it hit me.  While I may not be relishing the house-hunting doesn't mean I cannot relish the rest of life.  I can relish the walks with Holly.  I can relish my time at the after school program with my awesome students.  I can relish my journal writing.  And I can relish doing nothing if that is exactly what I need to do in the moment.

And while I adore my friends and would love to truly engage with each of them, I just can't in this moment.  But while I may not have any engaging, witty, or insightful comments, I can at least let them know I care about them.

I don't know where my superman complex comes from or why it pops up at certain times. But given how I was the one to bring our lil journaling group together to do the NaJoWriMo (National Journal Writing Month) challenges, I felt like I had to be fully engaged and fully involved with each and every single journal entry each person writes.  Currently, there are twelve people in our little NaJoWriMo group -- that is 31 entries per the 31 entries of my own.  I just don't have the time or the sanity to delve in deep with each one of them....and some write the most beautiful, earth-shaking entries.  So I'll probably come back to those another month, when I'm a bit more together.  But I can at least let them know I'm supporting them in whatever endeavors they are embarking on.  ::smiles::  And that will be enough.

Husband and I have since expanded our house-hunting to include of a C-town (instead of the small neighborhood we originally picked), plus L-ville.  While hubs isn't thrilled about possibly living in L-ville, there are two houses that I just adore -------  that are also inside our price-range!  Woot!  So I've emailed Fred about those two, so hopefully we can see those soon.  And Thursday morning, we're finally getting to look at one house in C-town that only had 3 street-view photos.  Hopefully that's not because the interior is horrible. 

And seeing as how it's closing in on 1 am....I'm going to close this for now and take my punk ass to bed.


  1. I am glad you have some possibilities on the housing front. Realizing that there are other things to relish is insightful. Life always gives us things we need to keep us going on. I am so glad you started that group. Even if you do not always comment I feel your support. You are a great inspiration and I respect your opinions. Whenever you get to read it will be awesome. You are a very special friend, and you have my love.
