Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sincere Heart

With all the fancy altar tools out there.  And all the beautiful altars I see other pagans creating, I've fallen into a thought process that says unless I've made an altar, I can't "properly" celebrate a holy day.

What fucking rubbish!  When the hell did this thought become so entrenched?  Well, it is the fuck out here, lemme tell you.

Tonight is the Full Hunter's Moon.  And life has been one hell of a whirlwind of activity, especially for a recluse such as myself.  So I haven't had the time/energy/desire to make an altar for this full moon, and I was moping around a bit, trying to figure out when I could get that accomplished BEFORE the full moon was gone -- I technically have until the 28th until the full moon is over.

But as I was walking Holly, I just couldn't help but be utterly mesmerized by the singular beauty that is a full moon on a very slightly overcast evening.

So, as Holly sniffed around as dogs are wont to do, I simply prayed sincerely, from my heart, what it is I am hunting for.

I am hunting for a new home.  One that I can feel safe in.  One that is better suited for my aging canine companion.  One that is better suited to my husband.  One that fits us financially and gives us our safe place to retreat from the world at the end of each day.

So in the end, I don't need all the fancy trappings.  I just need a sincere heart.  The tools are fun and can aid in getting one into the correct mind space.  But ultimately, if the Witch isn't doing the isn't going to work!

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