Following the nudge/request from Sharmila, here's this week's Thankful Thursday (just a day late). *grins*
I am thankful:
1. that today is Ostara, the Spring Equinox. Light reigns supreme and the days will grow steadily longer.
2. the abundant wildlife I have in my lil wooded trails here in the heart of the city. Spotted a bobcat this week and yesterday, I saw that our resident pair of Red-tailed Hawks are making renovations on last year's nest.
3. quiet steady rain we are currently getting. I've set out incense as an offering to the Harpies (originally, they were storm deities), thanking them for their blessings and protection.
4. that Leviathan has seriously woken up and is very active. Even if that meant she woke me up at 4 am, sliding all over her silk plant (had to take it out of her tank so I could get some sleep!).
5. to have these past few mornings off from Starbucks given the to hellacious shifts I had on Tuesday and Wednesday.
6. that I'm slowly getting back into drawing Mandalas -- it is a goal of mine to make one a week for this 33rd year of mine. *laughs* I am super behind, but am working on it!
7. postcards and pen pals and a new journal.
8. daffodils. Seriously, if I had to choose a plant that was the embodiment of JOY, it would be the daffodil. I really should get around to planting some in a pot to enjoy.
9. trying out new recipes. They are very hit and miss, but the hits are AWESOME and make it worth the work.
10. my journaling group. Seriously, these guys are so incredible and awesome and AWE inspiring!
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