I was angry/wrath-filled from a conversation with an acquaintance over the dismal current state of our Nation.
John, a dear friend, aptly pointed out that we are a nation that exalts violence and continues to fail to teach empathy for others. And another, the acquaintance, gave the pat response of “it’s all due to us turning away from God/Christianity”.
And fuck, did I ever see red. I was near blinded in my utter disgust.
I do not make secret my distrust in Christianity. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover more times than I can count. I’ve questioned it all. And I turned my back on it to seek MORE when I was just 14 years old. And I haven’t looked back since.
Oh, how I wanted to tear this woman apart. How I wanted to shake the earth with all that I’ve learned about Christianity. I wanted to be the Lion that devoured the Lamb so very, very badly.
And yet, Celaeno bade me stop and hear Her words.
And when a Harpy tells you to listen, you shut your mouth and open up both ears. Let me tell you. *laughs*
This is the gist of Her conversation.
- Vengeance has its time and place. It is not now. It is not here. And it is not this woman.
- Remember the teachings of the Serpent. Illumination and personal Evolution are just that.....personal. Each person must discover their own gnosis. And what is the Path for one, may not be the Path for another.
- It is not my place to attempt to force Illumination on another. That is akin to spiritual rape. I did not like it when Christianity was forced upon me....likewise, I should not force my Path on others. They will simply fight it tooth and nail, as I did, and curse me the entire time they do. This is counter-productive and will drive them further from Knowledge.
- War is not glorious. Do not seek it out.
- Chose your battles wisely. Attack when necessary and only when necessary.
Which, besides the obvious metaphor, this goes deeper. I need the blind followers to remind me where I came from and to remind me why I am actively seeking Illumination. They make me a stronger individual. And, when challenging them, it sets the stage for me to redefine and hone what it is I do and do not believe.
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