Friday, March 13, 2015

Can't Articulate

I read the following post by an artist I follow on DeviantArt:

Polarists Meeting

Less than a month before our arctic expedition known as Fjällräven Polar!

Since I became a part of the Polarist Circle, my life has drastically changed.

In a very positive way.

I’ve met many wonderful people from Polar, who mostly are widely open minded, outdoor, very passionate about life and active to pursue the impossible things - that kind of society with very different mentality.

Their type of mentality allows them to get outside from the “box”. (“box” concept- is referred to type of social mentality with narrowed way of thinking. When those people see a person who is doing something different and stays away outside from generalized/labelled concept “what normally people should do”. Like: “if you do different things, we won’t accept you” or simply afraid of something “different”, out of mainstream lifestyle. )

Being around these Polar people has brought me to experience a glimpse of lifestyle that I’ve always dreamt about. And I think I have now more and more clear idea of what I want -or- who I am. I think I’m in the phenomenal stage where I am slowly awaking from the state of being “asleep” (not aware of my own self existence/what I really want)- which was caused by our highly civilized society has lured me into sleep state.

Every Polarist shared with me unique story about who they are- and through what they had to go through to achieve that state. And some, younger ones are still of the road of finding themselves and we are helping, supporting them. Nobody was born amongst stars but had to take a difficult staircase journey to the stars. I am still on that road.

That Polar expedition is a first “star” in my life that I am going to face with. After a very long time… from the day when I woke up in the solid white room, full of strange screens and my head terribly bleeding…

That yet upcoming journey became somewhat a reminder of sorts of how important it is to pursue passions and creative things that I really want to do, and to put aside unnecessary, “time wasting” things that our social pressure has told us to do. My mind and body feel so much more free when I know deep down I am putting my everything into something I was meant to do, rather than something I was told to do by our society.

I’m in midst of working on our unique “Fjällräven Polar” Experience Blog (fighting with my lazy ass)- where I hope to get it done very soon where we, twenty participants, share our experience and stories. It won’t be a typical one, all about sugarhappy events and “oh look how cool things we do” - but breaking our own fears, anxieties and barriers.

I hope we can do in that way that we could inspire other people! Stay tuned!

And I don’t know why, but this just really, really, REALLY stuck this huge cord with me. My spirit is literally humming with excitement. My inner SheWolf is nudging me, “Pay attention, Pup. Read and hear and FEEL and LISTEN.”

I can’t articulate it. I’m at a loss for words. I just know this is important and I wanted to keep a record for me to return to and mull over and puzzle over.

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