Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday 12.27.12

art via pinterest

Because I am in a bit of a sour puss mood (go back on entry to read about it), I'm making it a point to sit down and do the LAST Thankful Thursday of 2012.  I'm refusing to allow one person ruin my mood right now.

I am thankful.....
  1. that I'm doing relatively well at the moment and haven't done anything stupid over the past month that I would truly regret.
  2. that I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow and that hopefully we can find something that works better for me without giving me ADHD/ADD like symptoms.
  3. that I have a good marriage with a good man.
  4. that I only have one more class to take and pass for the Texas Teacher's education portion.  After that, I take my placement-thingie test and then I can begin applying for jobs.
  5. sold another Zuni fetish on eBay.  I need to get the others listed and sold too.  This brings me up to 4 sold.
  6. good Christmas with the family.  I got a lot of nice items and am quite pleased with it all.
  7. got my hair cut.  I've been needing one for about 3 months now and my hair looks so much more healthy now.
  8. various art journals and whatnot that keep me occupied at times.
  9. that I've taken myself off of Abilify so the ADD/ADHD traits should go away.
  10. and that I'm done with this Thankful Thursday.

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