Thursday, December 20, 2012

ADD much?

art via pinterest

I had plans to come here and write my thankful Thursday list.   It's been a while since I've done one of those.
But the motivation left me before I even got here, so I doubt I'll do it.

Motivation has been so fleeting here recently. 
I think I'm having adverse reactions to the Abilify. 
Difficulty concentrating.
And the frequent urge to urinate, even though I just went 15 minutes previously.  And when I do go, it may be just a tiny sprinkle.  But it feels like I really need to go.  *sighs* 
That last one is listed as one of those side effects to Abilify that you need to notify your doctor about as soon as possible.  So I guess I'll be calling him in the morning about it.  Thank goodness these are just samples and I didn't have to pay for them.
I wonder what's next.

So this is what it's like to be ADD.
I just wandered off to FaceBook for about 15 minutes before remembering that I was writing a damn entry.  *sighs* 
Yeah, definitely calling the doc tomorrow. 

We're going this weekend to do Christmas with my family. 
Logan, my brother, is going to show me how to clean and sharpen a blade.
I'm finally learning all sorts of good country things.  *chuckles*

David's given me one of his k-bar knives from his military time.
It's dirty and dull as shit for the most part.  So that's what Logan is going to help me with.

Apparently a gun range opened up a few miles from us a few months ago. 
Natalie, one of my aides, was telling me about it.
I should see what it costs to go.  And if they do archery lessons too.
I wouldn't mind learning how to bow hunt.
Again, I'm headed back to my country roots.
But seriously, I'd love to go elk bow hunting at least once.
After seeing elk up close on my Vision Quest back in 2006, white-tailed deer just look like babies.  *chuckles*

Eh, I think that's all I can focus on for now.

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