Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hmm, what to write about.

I've decided that I'm going to see if I can finish up my alternative teaching certificate program.
Yeah, that means I'll be looking for a job in the public school system.
Am I'm thrilled?  No, not exactly.  But it's a job I can do and am good at, so I might as well be making better money doing it.

We ended up taking Holly to Petsmart yesterday after we got back from doing photos with Leviathan.  Those photos turned out so much better.  I'll share those at some point.

So I had my emergency (in crisis?) appointment with Dr. Watts on Friday. 
He gave up part of his lunch break to see me.
So we've added Abilify to the Depakote I'm currently taking.  I go back in 2 weeks to see how I'm doing on this.

Talked to David about my current depressive state and desire to cut. 
He pretty much said exactly what I expected him to say, that he can't have sympathy because he just doesn't UNDERSTAND it.  He's never been there, so he doesn't know what I'm feeling.  But he said it in a positive way.
He told me he couldn't understand the desire to cut just because he's too much of a coward to do it himself.  He has no desire to suffer -- which led into a discussion as to that being why he hasn't quit smoking...he doesn't want to suffer.  *chuckles*  But he said whatever I need him to do, please let him know and he'd find a way.  It really meant a lot to me.

Friday, completely out of the norm for me, I ordered the Whiskey River BBQ Burger at Red Robin.  I swear my mouth totally had a food-gasm all over it.  *laughs*  It's been years since I've had a burger, but oh my lordy, this was heavenly

I'm finally getting around to listing some stuff I need to get rid of on eBay.  Wish me luck.
I've only got 3 Zuni Fetishes up right now.
I have another 5 to list.
Plus two masks and a piece of artwork. 
Hopefully they'll sell and I can have a bit of cash in my pocket.  Certainly not planning to get get rich here any time soon.

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