more beautiful dyed hair via Pinterest.
Ug, we had to get up early today. *sighs* Had to drop Holly off at the
vet's at 9 am. Typically on a Saturday, we don't roll out of bed until
1 pm, so that 8:30 am came REALLY early.
I debated on going back to bed once we got home. But the Dancing
Goddess Dolls is putting up a number of her new dolls for sale at 1 pm,
and there is one I'm really wanting, so I don't want to miss this.
She'll have only 60 dolls for sale, and I bet they are all gone by 2
pm. I've got my eye on one, but if I miss it, I've decided I won't buy
another one just so I can have one. It's either the one I want (Pythia
to be exact) or nothing at all.
If I don't get Pythia, I'll spend that money on some clip in hair
extensions instead. Though, I am thinking of dip dying my hair over the
summer. I like the lavender/purple in the above photo (wouldn't mind
having the gunmetal blue hair either). And once school started up
again, I could simply trim off the purple ends to make myself "work
appropriate" once more. I'm curious how much it would cost to do this,
as I would have to have the ends of my hair bleached out first and then
apply the purple dye. I should look into it, because if it isn't too
crazy expensive, I might go ahead and do it over Christmas break. Would
certainly make for some fun Christmas photos with the family!
*laughs* I'm sure my grandmother would have some comments for sure.
Hell, I might do it
just to hear her comments. *grins*
Hmm, I could go ahead and bleach the tips now and then right after work
on the 21st, I could go get the lavender/purple put in. Must think
about this more.
I've got all my Christmas cards signed and addressed. I mailed out the
ones that are going to Canada (my paternal grandmother) and to Bahrain
(a friend). The others I'll wait a bit so I can get some festive stamps
to put on them. And then I'll mail those out.
I need to do my
Tabula Rasa ritual soon. I need to start
focusing on the ending of this year and what I want to begin in the new
year. I need to find my focus word. I already have the totem for 2013
-- Deer.
I'm thinking of setting aside a three ring binder just for my yearly
Tabula Rasa ritual. It would be neat to see how it evolves over the years.
I need to clean out my closet. I have so many clothes in there I don't
or can't wear. What's the point of having them in there? Time to go
through the mess and donate crap I don't need/want.
I need to begin working on a Yule ritual for myself AND on an Imbolc
ritual for the Coven. Each one of us is responsible for a Sabbat, and I
was given Imbolc. I'm nervous about having to write an Imbolc ritual,
as the Coven stresses the balance between the God and the Goddess, and I
only honor the Goddess. I tend to shy away from male deities. Hell,
I'm surprised I didn't turn out lesbian with my distrust of males.
But looking up the history on Imbolc, it seems to revolve mostly around
goddesses, so I think I just might have gotten lucky there. *chuckles*
AND serpents play a part in Imbolc too, so I would like to find a way
to incorporate Leviathan (barring any of my Covenmates being afraid of
serpents) into the ritual. Must reflect more on this.
I need to finish boiling the hide and hair off the antlers for
Leviathan's tank. I found a few small places I missed. Hopefully I can
do that this weekend.
And I've decided I'm going to try my hand at making my own antlered
crown. I found a easy tutorial on making fake antlers that I'm going to
try my hand at. This will allow me to actually wear the crown easily,
as the antlers will be lighter (made of wire and papier-mâché). We'll
see how that turns out.
And I think my rambles have come to an end.
For now.......
The Pythia doll is mine! *grins*
And the info on her:
Pilgrims and seekers come to me, and I, the Priestess of Prophesy
will advise you. At some point we all yearn for a Seer to divine our
future, to unlock the riddles of Life. I commune with the Gods to
reveal the Truth, but there's really no reason that you can't gaze
yourself into an Eternal Flame to interpret your own destiny.
This doll is 6-inches tall.