written: November 2nd
Oh my, where to begin? So much has happened.
I did end up going to Lil Hometown for the funeral for my Great Aunt. It was lovely…though very, very Christian. But then again…I’m pretty much the only non-Christian in a very Jesus-loving family, so it’s to be expected. ::chuckles:: Julie, my cousin, even came up to me before the funeral, specifically to check in with me, because she’s read my various Facebook posts about how my mental health has been spiraling out of control. I damn near started crying right there. I mean, here we are, burying HER grandmother, but she’s checking on ME.
I had a grand time hanging out with my Mom and her puppers. I FINALLY got the pups calm and still and practically asleep. Mom calls me the dog whisperer. Here’s a picture she snapped of me with the puppers:
I also got to pick up the pieces of the century plant that my Mom kept for me from when it bloomed. I have some log pieces and some pieces with dried flower pods on them. I figure this has GOT to be good for some longevity spell work. I mean, the plant only blooms once a century!
AND, I was also able to pick up the boar’s skull my Mom has also been holding onto for me as well.
Check out those damn tusks:
This skull has been exposed to the elements for the past two years, and yet those tusks are pristine white and still razor sharp. Feral hogs are NO joke here in Texas.
This guy, I’m going to clean up, paint some designs on, and then hang his skull up as a house guardian. Even my husband is pretty enthusiastic about the idea. I mean…who doesn’t want a feral boar spirit protecting one’s house? Doesn’t get more beefed up, more dangerous, or more territorial than that!
The day after the funeral, I got some quiet time out at the cemetery to just hang out with and chat with my grandparents at their grave. I gave them up an update on all the things going on in my life. I told them about the cool things David’s doing with the house, and funny stories from work. I told them how much I missed them both. And I reminded them that they are always welcome in my home. It doesn’t have to be Samhain for them to stop by. It was a nice visit with them.
Samhain for me was a bust.
Therapy that morning went really well. I like the therapist and she had
some really good ideas and insights for me that I’ll be looking more
into soon. I do however need to change my next appointments. I had my
work days marked wrong on the calendar, so I’m actually working the days
that I thought I had off, and thus had scheduled my appointments for
those days. Hopefully, I can just switch those from the Saturday
appointment to Friday and be all good.
I didn’t get around to getting a pumpkin and by the time I DID try to find one…there were none to be found. ::sighs:: I think this is like the 2nd year now that I’ve not had a jack o’ lantern. Oh well. And then…around 4 pm, I had a migraine come out of left field and just flat line me for a while.
So really....I didn’t do much for Samhain. I enjoyed the full moon. I watched Beetlejuice with my husband. I cuddled with my dog. But that’s about it.
And then yesterday (Nov 1st), I decide I’m going to make the Fiery Wall of Protection oil, as I still had time to harness the full moon energy. So I get all prepped to do that…only to realize I’m missing a key ingredient AND two oils. ::grumbles:: Like, really? SO, I’ve ordered the remaining items I need and should have them here by the end of the week (hopefully). But I went ahead and put together the dry ingredients and essential oils I DO have, so those can at least meld together and soak up that blue moon energy. Once the other ingredients arrive, I’ll add those in. As of right now, holy cow, this smells AMAZING.
I’m putting together a mini-binder for all my oil recipes. Some of the recipes require ingredients that I’ll be able to wildharvest in the spring, so I want to make note of that. Like, honeysuckle flowers. There are some major honeysuckle plants over by the old apartments that I’ll be able to harvest flowers from easily, without having to take all of the flowers for the recipe. Plus, the beauty of using a binder is that I can rearrange things as I see fit. And I need to make a little planner to put in it, to track the full moons for 2021, as that’s when I’m making my oils. And then I can just list what oils I’ll be making on what full moon.
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