Wednesday, April 29, 2020


So the City I work for, occasionally sends out these “test” spam emails to see if anyone falls for them and thus puts the City’s system at risk.  That’s all fine and good, and I completely understand that.

But today, I go into work as I see an email from the City with the subject line “Employee Termination”.  My heart dropped completely out of my chest.  I had a full blown fucking panic attack, doing everything I could not to burst into tears.  I was terrified that I was being fired, in a time of sky-rocketing unemployment rates.  And I was terrified of losing my health insurance during a GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!!!!

So yeah, I opened the fucking email.  And basically got a “haha, we tricked you.  Now you have to take this class on phishing emails”.  And, you know what?  I saw fucking RED.  I was in a blind rage.  Like are you FUCKING kidding me?  You are going to JOKE about employment TERMINATION in THIS fucking climate?  And then be like “haha stupid”.  Are you FUCKING SERIOUS??????

I will be emailing the HR department about this.  That was just fucking immoral and SADISTIC on their part. 

And let me tell you.  Right now, if I had a lead on another job?  I’d fucking jump on it like a fat kid on a cupcake and tell the City to kiss my fucking fat ass. 

Needless to say, I do not have that option right now.  But I am putting my ear to the ground and putting my feelers out and as soon as I have a lead, I’m taking it. 

The City should be doing what it can to protect and CARE for its employees.  ESPECIALLY in this massively chaotic time.  ::shakes her head::  And then to gaslight me, saying I shouldn’t have fallen for that trick?  Yeah, I have zero trust and zero confidence in the City now, 100%.  And once I have lost trust in someone/something, there is no getting that back ever.  That is just so beyond shitty.

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