written: December 08
Photo 617/1001
I picked up some wisteria seed pods today. Hopefully I can get some seeds out of these this time.
I panicked the first time I drove past the house with the wisteria. I
didn’t want to get in “trouble”. And then I told myself, Witch up.
You are a mother fucking witch. Who is going to say shit to you? As
long as you act like you are supposed to be there, supposed to be
picking the seeds, you will be fine. And once I stopped and got out of
my car and started picking the seed pods, I was calm inside. A car even
drove by and it barely registered to me. I just need to remember the
strength I have within me. So yeah, I have 9 pods and can go back for
more if needs be.
I typed up a whole bunch of responses to various pen pal letters that
have been collecting dust on my table for months. It seems this is the
only way I will probably be able to get a response letter out to them
before the new year. I still have a handful left to reply to, but it is
worlds easier than having to handwrite these replies. Besides, I get
to include photos in them as well. ::smiles:: I really should just get
my own printer one of these days.
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