Photo 635/1001

Awesome wolf mug that Annette sent me. I need to get a photo of the rest of the items she sent me in an AMAZING goody box. She always sends THE BEST goody boxes.
And now we are into the downward roll to the New Year. Hopefully the last days of 2019 will be calm and quiet. I’ve done the bulk of the work for my Tabula Rasa ritual. I’ve been working in my new Grimoire (and loving it thus far).
David’s been on vacation, so he’s been painting my bathroom. When it’s all done, it will have dark gray trim, light gray walls, and purple cabinets and door. I’m seriously so excited about it.
I am thinking of offering to friends the Sage Goddess oils I don’t like. I would ask them to cover shipping for sure, and maybe $5 an oil? I dunno. I’m just ready to really clear out some serious clutter. Or maybe I can offer multiple oils that I have in exchange for ones that I really want, in the Sage Goddess oil trading group. I’ll ponder this a bit more. I wouldn’t even be ready to start shipping them until January anyways.
Which reminds me, I need to mail out the wisteria seeds and seed pods to Weldon soon. AND, I still have two oil samples to send to pen pal friends as well. They live out of the country which is why I’m dragging my feet on it. I don’t want to fill out the customs paperwork and then stand in line at the post office to mail them. ::chuckles:: So I’ll do that in January as well.
Mom came up to visit today. She took David and I out to lunch, and then I got to give her a tour of my library. ::smiles:: Very cool.
After that, Dustin and I spent an hour making a model volcano. Not a bad way to spend a work day. ::chuckles::
Around 5 pm, my director came over to my desk and inquired if my Mom had been by to visit. I had told her that my Mom was going to visit, and that I needed specific hours off desk so I could go to lunch with my Mom. Denise (director) was seriously bummed that she didn’t get to meet my Mom and asked if she lived nearby, so maybe she could meet her another time she came to visit. I really do work with amazing people. So I’ve told Mom the next time she’s up visiting, she HAS to meet my Director. ::chuckles::
And things between me and Dustin are worlds better. I definitely feel more like we are co-conspirators now instead of Lord and Serf. We are definitely teaming up better for the various crafts and ideas on how to tweak them if they aren’t working out the way we expected it to. It’s really nice.
Dang it. I just realized I left the book I’m currently reading up at work. That’s one of the nice things about working IN the library – we have access to early releases of books. They’re housed in our Staff Lounge and we are HIGHLY encouraged to read them before they come out so we can talk to patrons about them. The one I’m currently reading has already been released, but I’m enjoying it thus far – The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup.