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My Sun and Moon sticker from ScandyGirl arrived today. It was well worth the long wait to get it from Finland. It would make a GORGEOUS tattoo. I am hoping to get something similar done for my Gammé.
I am still trying to find a time to meet up with Jennifer K. to talk about sewing my Gammé. It’s a major project, and any tips and tricks she can give me to make it run a bit smoother, I will be deeply grateful.
I still need to finish putting my room back together and decluttering the shit out of it. ::laughs:: At that point, I’ll need to finalize the Gammé frame plans and pick up the PVC pipes for it. I think once I get past this first hurdle, I’ll pick up steam and get the rest done. Though, I do have to admit. I am more than a little intimidated by the sewing aspect of the cover. ::chuckles:: But once THAT is done, then I can talk to Linda about possibly painting my designs on it.
I spent all this time setting up my bullet journal for 2020….only to realize I fucking HATE it. Like majorly hate it. Like, I can’t even stand looking at it. ::chuckles:: So, it’s back to drawing board on this. I’ll use the Leuchtturm 1917 journal as an art journal instead. Who knows, maybe it will become one of my swap journals and travel around the globe at some point. The plan is to pick up my traditional monthly planner for 2020.
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