Saturday, November 30, 2019


written: November 27

Photo 606/1001


A drawing I did in my journal of a burr oak acorn. Not too shabby honestly.
I picked up a ton of these massive acorns today at the Library after I renewed my library card.

April, an amazing friend, was talking about needing acorns for a project, and I asked her if she was interested in this massive ones. She told me how many she wanted and I grabbed a bag of them for her and will be mailing them out soon. Ah, the fun things witches send to each other. ::laughs::

I do need to go back again and pick up as many as I can. The exotic animal sanctuary I volunteered at years and years ago is wanting all the acorns they can get. The bears apparently love them, and the nuts are full of healthy fats that the bears need as they gear up for hibernation. So I want to fill up as many bags as I possibly can, and then take those out to the Sanctuary for them. It’s a way I can help them out without costing me anything more than gas to get there and back. Maybe I’ll even take a tour and see the new animals they have – like their pack of arctic wolves. ::smiles::

I’ve cooked my hashbrown casserole for tomorrow and it’s cooling in the kitchen. I forget how easy it is and how wonderful it makes the whole house smell. I’ll leave out early tomorrow to drive to my hometown to do Turkey Day with the family.

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