Photo 459/1001

The teen boys built a castle with all their empty boxes in the back where they are working.

Us girls (there’s only three of us), may have to band together and storm their castle and claim it in the name of Her Vagesty!
I can’t believe I didn’t write about “Her Vagesty”. It just shows how OUT of it I was yesterday. Anyways, on a friend’s post about vaginas (because, that’s what women talk about, especially since the medical profession likes to ignore most of our health issues, so we have to discuss it among ourselves), another friend posted about calling her vagina “Her Vagesty”. I barked cackled so loud at that title that Josey-pup had to come check on me. ::laughs:: And this is what I shall call my vagina from now on and I SERIOUSLY want to get a crown tattoo right above her. ::laughs::
And the quote I was trying to find yesterday for the photo and to sum up my emotionally turmoil was actually “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” by Albus Dumbledore. I’m planning out an art journal page just for that quote.
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