Saturday, July 6, 2019


written:  July 05

Photo 461/1001


I finally found out that I PASSED my end of program exam! Which means I get my Master’s degree!

Granted, the email I read made it sound like I had failed one of the essays (which would mean, I would fail the whole thing). Talk about having your heart bottom out. I was damn near in tears. So then I logged into the Canvas site to see which essay I failed and what their feedback was. And I sat there, looking at, scratching my head saying “Huh. This says I passed each one”. It took a while for it to sink in…that I PASSED and I will be getting my Master’s degree.

So that’s what it’s like to be a rapid-cycling bipolar. In the span of 10 minutes I went from completely bottoming out to the highest level euphoria. I seriously needed a nap after that – it was exhausting.

I spent the rest of the day working in Ali’s journal. I did find a mini Dutch-oven at Tuesday Morning for a good price. It’ll be used as a cauldron in any future rituals, but it was mostly purchased for when I start making the rose beads I talked about in yesterday’s entry.

NOW begins the fun of creating my new resume and start hunting for jobs. It would be REALLY nice if I could find something good to start in August, so I don’t have to the after school program. Though, like my Mom did say, if I can only get a part-time library job, then it would be nice to still work the after school program until I can land a full time gig.

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