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Best $1 ever spent….and it wasn’t even MY DOLLAR! Woohoo!
Ruben (Tech Boss-ish) paid everyone’s dollar for the 4th of July potluck the district was doing. And this is what I got. I got a hamburger (soooooo good), strawberries, baked beans, bbq chips, a Sprite, and COOKIES. I was soooo damn full for the rest of the day! ::laughs:: So tasty. So now, of course, I want to find a way to thank him, because he certainly didn’t have to do that.
I was fighting a headache ALL MORNING and almost didn’t even go to the potluck. And honestly, other than one point of borderline panic due to EVERYONE BEING SO DAMN CLOSE TO ME, it was a pretty enjoyable time. So while my anxiety has gotten better, large crowds of closely packed people still make me want to crawl out of my skin. But I breathed through it and got some delicious food, so it was worth it in the end.
Still no word on the bear skull and claw set. I’m beginning to lose hope. But I’m also super stubborn, so I haven’t completely lost hope. Yet. Please, please, please. All that is Holy, please let me get this.
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