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My work calendar.
This is how I keep up with what staff member is leaving early on what day, what staff member is coming in late on what day, what clubs are going on on what days, when certain kiddos will or will NOT be attending, what programs are going on in the cafeteria, and what we are doing when. ::chuckles::
Honestly, this isn’t even that busy of a calendar. During the busy part of the year, we had Spanish on Mondays, Acting on Tuesday, Computer Coding on Wednesdays, Art and Choir on Thursdays, and Basketball and Cheer on Fridays.
Today was a much better day at work. I had my meeting with the School Counselor regarding some shit that went down yesterday. I don’t even want to get into it, even here in my blog. It was so damn exhausting yesterday. Suffice it to say, some seriously fucked up, mean, racial, and sexual shit has been said among a group of kiddos. I’m talking “you are a bitter disappointment to your family” type shit. ::shakes her head:: And of course, the mom of the kid that is staying this stuff is all like “well, what were the other children saying to HIM??”. Lady, he told a female classmate to go suck a dick, I think YOU need to focus on what YOUR kiddo is saying here. Oh and apparently, he’s not only looking up porn on HIS school iPad, but is also showing other kids as well. ::shakes her head::
So yeah, yesterday was all about talking to the various parents about what’s going on. And then today was all about meeting with the Counselor, as this stuff is also being said during school and after school, using school technology. And THEN, because of the porn thing, I had to go talk to the Assistant Principal. And THEN, my work day actually started. ::laughs:: Once I got the program rolling and the kiddos doing what they need to be doing, I then got to step out and call my supervisor and fill her in on what today was all about. ::chuckles:: Some days, my job just really, really, REALLY sucks. Yesterday and today are one of those days. Hopefully the rest of the week will be kinder.
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