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My pair of Tourmalinated Quartz Generators arrived today.
Those black lines are bars of Black Tourmaline running through the quartz. This was the last “for me” gift I bought for myself.
So I had my meeting with the High Priestess and the Guardian of the ToK Coven this morning and I just love them. And I like everything they told me about the Coven itself. And I was SO STOKED to receive my official invitation this evening to join their Student group. It’s a 13 moon long study group that starts in mid-March. I haven’t responded yet, as I do want to sit with all the information they gave me and really check in with myself that this is what I want and that I can meet their requirements. But I’m 99% sure that I’m going to accept it. ::smiles:: I’m super stoked.
So that’s my big happy news of the day.
Other than that, I worked on two Year Ahead tarot readings for friends. I got those done and sent off to them. I still have InaRae’s to do and write up. And then next Sunday, I’m meeting up with Hazel to do hers in person. I’ll still type it up like I’ve done all the others, but it will be fun to do it in person. ::smiles::
Hard to believe there are only 2 more days left in the year. I’ll need to verify that I have everything I need to make the black-eyed pea bean dip for New Year’s Day. I need to go cut some holly sprigs for us to turn on New Year’s Eve (to burn away all the negativity of this year, so it doesn’t follow us into next year). And I need to pick up a few more supplies for some home protection charms that I’m making for some friends. I have one major component already, and have ordered the second major part, so really I just have one thing to pick up and I’ll be ready to rock and roll on those. Then, the really fun part is mailing them out and surprising my amazing friends. ::grins::
So yeah, 2018 is wrapping up quite nicely right now. ::knocks on wood::
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