Photo for today:
My lovely new wand chilling in the window after her blessing, to absorb all that fun Blue Moon energy.
She’s made of a deer leg bone and the gemstone at the tip is a
rutilated smoky quartz point. I love how she feels in my hand. Can’t
wait to actually USE her in ritual soon. I’m hoping this will jump
start my ritual making again. I’ve been so very lax in it.
Today is Lil Niece’s 2nd birthday. I sent her Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See?
Sound book, by Bill Martin, Jr. Mom says it’s Lil Niece’s new favorite
book. ::smiles:: So I did a good job on that one. I have another one
that I will send Lil Nephew for his birthday in August.
Tas, one of the ladies in the Cauldron group (whom I have a slight
witchy crush on), posted a “getting to know you witchy tag” on the
group. And I’m thinking I might actually do a video response (she did
the tag as a video in the group). But I figured I would answer the
questions here as well.
1) What type of a witch are you?
I’m hella eclectic. I’m a mashup of bone, fauna, storm, chaos witch. I started out Wiccan, but have swiftly left that Path.
2) Who are your deities?
Anyone who has read me for a while now knows I am dedicated to Sekhmet,
the Egyptian sun goddess of war, divine protection, plagues, and
healing. I also work with the Harpies and various other spirits. I tip
my hat to Cernunnos (Celtic horned god of the wilds), Set (Egyptian
storm deity), and Lucifer (the Enlightened One), but I do not worship
any male deities. I will work with them, and I will show respect, but
very rarely are they invited into my rituals.
3) What is your favorite crystal?
Hands down, Galaxite. I picked up a palm stone from Sage Goddess ages
ago on a whim and I have been completely smitten ever since. That stone
is always in my pocket anytime I leave the house. I also really like
Larvikite. I would love to get a palm stone of that soon.
4) Favorite magickal tool?
My athame. I’ve had a handful of them over the 20+ years I’ve been
practicing, but I can say without a doubt that my current one is The
Athame ™ for me. She’s a hefty beast of Damascus steel and buffalo horn
handle. She has serious weight to her, and her steel is very sharp,
and I can just feel the power humming through her. Love, love, love
her. And I’m getting similar feeling with the wand. Now I just have to
get to know this new tool of mine.
5) Favorite method of divination?
I prefer reading animal messages – each animal has its own meaning, and
those meanings can be deciphered. Other than that, I love using the Jade Oracle Deck. It’s one of my favorite decks.
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