I was attempting to get a photo to show off all the rose buds on the bush, but all the buds at the front are hiding the ones in the back! So count up the rose buds you see and double it, and that’s how many I have! ::laughs::
Oh my lordy. I’m so burnt out on class work. The past 3 days I have:
- Written a 3-page book evaluation paper
- Written two 500-word discussions
- Written FOUR 250+ word responses
- Read a book, written the book review, AND posted it to my school blog
I accidentally took a 2-hour nap today with Josey. I was planning on maybe 45 minutes, but 2 hours later, I finally rolled out of bed. ::chuckles:: But it was well worth it. And Josey was all about napping today, so that was a nice bonus.
So yeah, I didn’t do my celebration for the 12th anniversary or a new moon ritual. But tomorrow is a new day. I can run to Walmart super quick and pick up the candles I want. Next year, I’m just going to order them from Amazon or eBay or something like that so I have them already. Hopefully, next semester will be a bit calmer, seeing as how I’ll only be taking one course. Here’s hoping! ::laughs::
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