#WinterSolsticeChallenge: Day 03: Full Moon

Yeah, trying to photograph the full moon with a cell phone is a joke. But damn, the moon is brilliant tonight, dancing in and out of the clouds.
#YuleFolkChallenge: Day 03: Pine Cone

Yeah, I had to get creative with this one. I read this little snippet of pine cone “mythology” and knew I needed a photograph of a pine cone. I figured while I was out walking Josey, I would scope the local pine cone selection (we have a BUTT LOAD of pine trees in our lil neighborhood). And wouldn’t you know it? I totally BLANKED on taking a photograph of any of the TWO HUNDRED PLUS pine cones I saw. ::laughs:: So instead, you get a photograph of some pinecone clipart and the lil snippet that I plan to include in my Almanac. ::chuckles::
Today was a nice blend of Mundane Tasks and Magickal Tasks. I did some research for my upcoming Final Essays for Archives. I’ll print those articles out tomorrow and read ‘em and highlight ‘em up so I can start working on the actual essays themselves. I harvested some more holly to dry in the window. I played around on Etsy and Ebay – mostly looking at gorgeous stones that I want to use in a myriad of crafty projects. Just need the funds to cover said crafty projects. ::laughs:: I should print those out and put them together with the various notes I have so I don’t lose all my good ideas before I have a chance to bring them to fruition.
I’m not doing a Full Moon ritual this time around. After all the energy work that went into yesterday’s Witch’s Ball, my energy’s a bit tapped out. But damn, that Ball turned out amazing. I do need to go to Winco (a grocery store thing) soon – that’s where Hazel gets all her herbs and what not DIRT FUCKING CHEAP. She said all the herbs and the pink Himalayan salt that she had yesterday cost her less than $2. Like WOW! And I’m in love with the Himalayan salt…not even gonna lie.
David put the fire pit together last night while I was sleeping:

I swear, it was like Christmas morning. I walked down the stairs to see that the “elves” had put it all together. ::laughs:: He told me the reason it was INSIDE the house was he didn’t want to run the risk of it getting stolen the first night we had it. ::chuckles:: Man, I cannot WAIT to actually use it.
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