Photo for the day:
BUNNY!!!! Yep, our little cottontail rabbit was chilling by the front door of the house when I came home for lunch. I got some really nice shots with my good camera that I’ll have to upload soon.
Onto the Thankful Thursday list!
I am thankful for….
1. Finally getting to meet all of my staff. I’ve got really good feelings about my two new aides.
2. That Jess has returned to my campus for a 3rd year now. I would be so lost without her help. And I’m glad that when the bosses inquired if she wanted to be a supervisor floater/sub, she turned it down so she could stay on my campus. Seriously, I am DEEPLY grateful for that.
3. That Orientation week is almost over. This has been such a grueling, exhausting week. These definitely cater to extroverts, and I’ve left each day utterly drained and usually with a borderline migraine. So ready for this to be over.
4. Getting to see the solar eclipse on Monday – even if it completely wiped my energies OUT. I’ve never reacted that badly to astrological phenomena.
5. The Harpies suggesting a specific gemstone necklace for me to make and wear during all eclipses (covering lunar ones as well, just in case) to shield and balance my energy a bit better.
6. That I was able to snag some GORGEOUS rainbow moonstone chip beads (for the above mentioned necklace) on eBay for an AMAZING price. And that the seller shipped them super-fast. I’m hoping the seller as similar sized gemstone chip beads for the other two gemstones I’m needing – gold Sunstone and black Tourmaline.
7. That two of the high schooler aides in the after school program (there are a TON) brought in doughnuts for EVERYONE this morning…and that one of those two high schoolers is MY aide! ::grins::
8. Rain and overcast days this week…even if it means my knee is KILLING me. I like the cooler temperatures and crazy early morning rain means good sleeping weather!
9. That I’ve gotten to “sleep in” all this week – naturally waking up around 8:20 am. Which IS sleeping in, because the Tech Job started at 7:30 am…so I’m enjoying the “extra” rest I’m getting.
10. That school will start soon. I’m ready to see my students once again.
P.S. These are the rainbow moonstone chip beads I got:
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