Blessed Lammas/Lughnasadh! I did my ritual today, which…just a day past the standard date of celebration, so not too shabby for me! ::laughs:: Though, I’ve heard that astrologically speaking, Lughnasadh doesn’t occur until August 7th….so maybe I’m just celebrating early? ::laughs:: Though, now I kind of want to do a bit of research (I know, such the surprise!), and for 2018, I would like to test out celebrating the Sabbats on their astrological days instead of the “standard” Pagan days. Could be interesting! Ok, so I’m going to pause here and go write that in my planner or I will completely forget! How hilarious would to be to find that because I almost always celebrate my Sabbats a few days past their Standard Pagan Date that I’m actually much closer to celebrating them on their astrological dates?
Alright, brace yourselves because here come the photos.
First up, this is the tiny jar of apricot preserves one of my students gave me:
Seriously, isn’t the jar just too damn cute? It will be cleaned and cleansed and eventually used in some spell work.
And spreading the apricot preserves on the bread I baked yesterday:
Doesn’t it look like liquid sunlight on the bread? Normally, I would have taken this up to my room, placed it on my altar, and then eaten when my ritual was complete. But since Josey LOVES the bread beyond reason, and she’s typically in the room when I’m doing ritual, AND my altar is well within Josey reach…I decided it was wiser to enjoy it downstairs before ritual than having to combat a dog in ritual to save the bread. ::laughs:: And yes, Josey got a piece of bread as well, without the apricot preserves, but she was plenty happy with it!
Lammas/Lughnasadh altar:
It’s a bit bare, but I was also doing some ritual work, so I needed the space. I divvied up the Red Fast Luck Oil for the friends I’ll be sharing it with (Annie, Francesca, Nona, Linda, and Hazel). In each of the little bottles, I also added in a chip of pyrite and a chip of citrine.
Not pictured is the black artist board that I originally made for my Rail Spike Protection spell. I decided since it has the four sigils (for the spikes) on the board, that I would keep it under my altar. This way, anytime I do ritual, it empowers the sigils on the board, that link to the sigils on the rail spikes at the four corners of my property. I pulled that board out from under the altar, and used it as the actual work place for the oil, jars, and stones.
Close up of the jars themselves:
I then blessed each jar, wishing that the oil aid my friends in their future endeavors:
Then I thumbed through my two lists of goals that I have (my birthday goals and my 101 Goals in 1001 Days). I crossed off ones that I’ve completed. And I also crossed off ones that I no longer feel drawn to. Surprisingly, looking at the two lists of goals, I’ve actually accomplished quite a bit more than I thought I had. Granted, the 101 Goals are set to be accomplished sometime in the next 3.5 years….so there’s quite a few I haven’t done yet, but it was nice to be able to cross some off as completed. And I only added in one goal to the list – get a chair of some sort for use in ritual. sitting on the floor is a tad bit too short for my altar, so a meditation seat or something along those lines would be awesome.
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