Photo for today:
This is the package I received today in trade for the Lioness perfume I didn’t like. A full bottle of Muse that I will be giving to Hazel as a surprise, along with a necklace, a ring, a witch broom pen, a sample of Practical Magic bath salts (by Sage Goddess), a green adventure crescent moon pendant, and samples of Hither, Sacred Space, Magica Luna and Pax perfumes (also, all by Sage Goddess). I feel kind of bad because I only put the perfume in the package to mail to Amber. I didn’t even think of putting other little trinkets in there. I just hope she doesn’t feel jipped.
And then I found this little wing feather from a Sharp-shinned Hawk while on the evening walk with Josey. I love the little Sharpies – such swift and agile little predators.
Today went smoother in some regards and more insane in others than the previous two days. BUT I did get most of the families signed into ProCare (the software we are now using at work). Hopefully this will give me a brief respite and the rest of the people will trickle in slowly over the next month. Some kids have up to 8 people authorized to pick them up, but I doubt all 8 will be utilized over the year. And even if they are, I can easily handle one or two a day. It’s just that today, trying to get the bulk of the parents signed in was an utter BEAST. But, like I said, the bulk of it is done. So now it’s all about catching the stragglers. ::chuckles::
The parents are NOT overly pleased. Previously, with the paper sign-out sheets, all they had to do was sign their name and put the time and they could take their kid home. NOW they have to punch in a 4 to 8-digit PIN and THEN punch in a 4 to 8-digit password. Well, ya can’t make everyone happy. And there will ALWAYS be those who only seem happy when they are belly-aching and bitching. ::shakes her head:: Yeah, well, they are more than happy to take that up with my bosses if they are so inclined. ::chuckles::

This is the package I received today in trade for the Lioness perfume I didn’t like. A full bottle of Muse that I will be giving to Hazel as a surprise, along with a necklace, a ring, a witch broom pen, a sample of Practical Magic bath salts (by Sage Goddess), a green adventure crescent moon pendant, and samples of Hither, Sacred Space, Magica Luna and Pax perfumes (also, all by Sage Goddess). I feel kind of bad because I only put the perfume in the package to mail to Amber. I didn’t even think of putting other little trinkets in there. I just hope she doesn’t feel jipped.
And then I found this little wing feather from a Sharp-shinned Hawk while on the evening walk with Josey. I love the little Sharpies – such swift and agile little predators.

Today went smoother in some regards and more insane in others than the previous two days. BUT I did get most of the families signed into ProCare (the software we are now using at work). Hopefully this will give me a brief respite and the rest of the people will trickle in slowly over the next month. Some kids have up to 8 people authorized to pick them up, but I doubt all 8 will be utilized over the year. And even if they are, I can easily handle one or two a day. It’s just that today, trying to get the bulk of the parents signed in was an utter BEAST. But, like I said, the bulk of it is done. So now it’s all about catching the stragglers. ::chuckles::
The parents are NOT overly pleased. Previously, with the paper sign-out sheets, all they had to do was sign their name and put the time and they could take their kid home. NOW they have to punch in a 4 to 8-digit PIN and THEN punch in a 4 to 8-digit password. Well, ya can’t make everyone happy. And there will ALWAYS be those who only seem happy when they are belly-aching and bitching. ::shakes her head:: Yeah, well, they are more than happy to take that up with my bosses if they are so inclined. ::chuckles::