Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful…
1.       For a botched Tabula Rasa ritual and all the wisdom I’ve crystalized from the whole thing.  Sucks that a traditional ritual of mine, that I’ve been looking forward to all year, blew up in my face, but the lessons learned are pure gold.
2.       Last Thursday of 2016.  Honestly, 2016 hasn’t been too damn brutal on me personally, but I do like the shiny new hope a new year gives you.
3.       On that subject, I am grateful for all the things I have learned over this past year.  They weren’t all enjoyable things to learn, but I am grateful that I came out on the other side with the hard won wisdom they encapsulated.
4.       Enjoying my Winter Break.  I feel so much calmer inside.  Not quite so beat up, dirty, and dinged. 
5.       My family – husband (David), pit bull (Josey), and Leviathan (snake) – as well as my mom, my brother, sister-in-law, and my little niece and nephew. 
6.       The way my room smells so amazing after a ritual (whether or not the ritual was a success) and that the smell always brings a smile to my face when I walk into the room.  Lingering incense aroma is one of the best smells in the world.
7.       The amazing Sekhmet Anointing Oil I purchased from the Sekhmet Temple in Nevada.  The priestess there crafted this anointing oil and blessed in the Temple under November’s Super Full Moon.  My oil arrived today and it smells so damn good.  I can’t wait to use it.
8.       Getting back into the habit of using the elliptical.  Hopefully I will make the habit stick this time around. 
9.       Fountain pens and inks to play with and the fact that Mary keeps sending me awesome ones to enjoy! 
10.   Four amazing, blissful days that our neighbors were gone.  No irritating barking dogs.  No blinding light that hits your eyes the second you step out the front door.  It was AMAZING.

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