Saturday, August 20, 2016

Lesson in a Sunset

I saw the most beautiful sight from my bathroom window….the gorgeous beginnings of an amazing sunset.  My window faces east, so I see the faint beginnings, not the fiery end.  But this was beautiful as it was the first time I’ve seen the blue sky in over a week now, due to the weeklong rains we’ve had.

So deep blue sky, with even deeper blue thunderclouds on the horizon (for we have another week of predicted rain ahead of us).  White fluffy clouds just above that.  And above that, pale lavender pink wispy clouds.  And above that, pale rosy pink clouds.

I wanted to jump out of the shower and race downstairs to get my phone so I could take a photo.  But I knew that by the time I got back up there, that glorious moment would have faded.  So instead, I stayed and I soaked it all up.

And it hit me then.  Beauty truly is all around us all the time.  Even in the heart of the city, beauty will sneak up and just strike me with utter awe…most of the time, when I am least expecting it…but needing it the most.

And this is the core of my Craft, my Path.

As much as I don’t like it, I AM an Urban Witch because this is where I live.  I live in the city.  And if I were to focus on the things I THINK I have to have to be able to be a thriving Witch, then my little heart would have shriveled up and died so long ago.

While I would love nothing more than to have a massive yard (taking acreage here honestly), with a full outdoor Circle set up, a sacred grove planted, and shrines and altars everywhere….that just is not where I find myself currently.  And that is ok.

I don’t have to go out into true wilderness to talk to my gods and my spirits, though it does make it easier.

So for now, I see this as an exercise to truly put my Craft to practice, to build up the spiritual strengths I need.  And when it is time and I find my true home with all that unspoiled land that I dream of….oh how powerful that area will become…and me in the center of it all.

But for now, I’ll take those perfect Texas sunsets with the powerlines crisscrossing it.  I’ll take the sounds of birds twittering mingled with the daily lives of my neighbors.  I’ll take my little patch of land and witch it up as best I can. 

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