Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Blessed New Moon

Blessed New Moon....
-aka- This is how a deck of Tarot calls you OUT!

So I came across this Tarot Spread specifically created to be used during the New Moon and I thought to myself....”Why not? What’s the least it could do?”

And I decided on a whim to actually bust out my set of The Gilded Tarot instead of The Messenger Oracle Cards. Side note: it’s been my experience that Oracle cards are nicer. Fluffier. Kinder. Tarot is a shot, point blank in the face with NO apologies. I should have remembered that.

I really should have remembered that.

  1. Moon Energies – what energies are abundant for me during this new moon cycle?
  2. Energy Assist – what can I do to aid or ease it?
  3. Goals – what goals or challenges should I set for this moon cycle?
  4. Drift – what do I need to let go of from the last moon cycle?
  5. Advice – what advice do my spirit guides have for me for this moon cycle?
And this what I drew:
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  1. Not paying attention to other people’s needs – David, my Mom, Josey, etc.
  2. Take control of your life and CHOOSE to be a better person.
  3. Pick a project and DIVE THE FUCK IN!
  4. Stop being a drama queen – stop laying the victim.
  5. It is time to WALK the walk – stop hiding behind the computer screen.
Like, holy fuck. I just got called out by a deck of cards! I wish I could find the clipart that sums up tarot decks saying that it calls you the fuck out.
For now, I will end with this clipart instead:
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