Now, the journal is hand made, and thus the price of the journal is reflective of that. But, I knew I just had to get this journal for him.
So I gathered together a whole slew of our online journaling buddies, swore them to secrecy and thus hatched out the Super Sneaky Surprise #1 (I’ve had quite a few sneaky surprises up my sleeve this year, so I had to assign numbers).
And he got the journal TODAY. Yesterday was his birthday and the damn postal workers didn’t give him notice that he had a package awaiting him at the front office of his residence, so he had to wait until today to actually get it.
But he was totally blown away. And is hopefully going to find a way to get a photo of him with it to share with us.
Until then, you’ll just have to deal with the photos I took when the journal arrived to me.
And my (very tired) smiley face with Ray’s AMAZING journal:

I mean, seriously? How could you NOT take a photo of yourself with such an AMAZINGLY AWESOME journal?
And this is the message Ray sent to me today:
I've been to the office and claimed my package. Unfortunately, no one with a camera was available when I opened it, but I will try to get a picture on line- somehow of me with the contents of the package.
How do I say how touched I am by your gift, and especially your efforts in forming the group assembled on the card? What a lucky day it was when I first signed on to the journal group, and how blessed I am that I am still connected with so many of you, even despite the fact I use the group so little, lately.
I love you, Walks (the alias I've used for AGES there, even though by the point most of them know my birthname). Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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