Monday, September 21, 2015

So Flippin' Random

I'm here.  Just in a really, really weird head-space at the moment.

The obsession level on the genealogy stuff is slowly winding down.  Thank goodness.  I was afraid I'd be sucked into that forever.  But I'm still really enjoying it.  Basically, I've traced my direct ancestors back as far as I can and I'm pretty content with that.  I mean, tracing almost every direct ancestor's lineage back to the early 1600s (excluding the damn Ukrainians) is pretty damn impressive.  Though, I did bump into a guy crazy distantly related to me that has a family tree of 70,000+ individuals.  WOW.  But for me, now I want to focus on learning everything I can about these people.  More than just a birth year and death year (though, I don't always have even that).

The down side of the genealogy?  I ran across my biological father's LinkedIn page.  Talk about jarring me out of a normal day.  Kind of made me see him as a person again.  ::minor snarl::  I really wasn't anticipating the negativity gut reaction I got.  Thought I was a bit more over the whole "abandonment" crap.  ::sighs::  Guess I have a bit more work.

And then my psycho ex started popped up all over my Facebook page.  He wasn't contacting me directly (thank god), but my "friends" on Facebook were commenting on his posts, which makes it pop up in my newsfeed.  ::shudders::  Still makes my skin crawl even seeing his name...let alone his face.

Then Friday, one of the new kid's dad's was all sorts of flirty when he came to pick his son up at my after school program.  Like asking my name, if I was a teacher, how long I had been working with kids (typical first-time-meeting-parents-questions I field all the time).....then started the whole, how long you been working here?  Do you like it?  What are you plans for life?  What do you like to do in your spare time?  Do you live around this elementary school?  Where did you grow up?  Yeah, not so typical first-time-meeting-parents questions.  Lots of smiles and laughter, but definitely had me scratching my head at the end of the whole exchange.

And then today, at Starbucks, one of our regular customers, that I've seriously only spoken to for a grand total of maybe 30 minutes over the course of seeing him for the past few months (plus he works next door at 5 Guys Burgers), called me by name and asked me what I was doing there.  He said "I thought you were a teacher?"  ::blinks::  Do bitches be talking all about me when I'm not around?  How do people know all the stuff about me?  It really unnerves me, as I pride myself on being mostly invisible.  But anyways, that led into a whole conversation as to what it is that I DO do in the afternoons, and why I'm not a teacher, and how he believes that being a substitute teacher has to be THE worst job ever.

But seriously?  Can people please stop noticing me?  It makes me all panicky.

In other news, I got a raise this year for the after school program.  A whole 24 cents an hour!  Woohoo!  I finally broke into the slightly-above $24/hr!  Woot!  I honestly didn't think I was going to get a raise because I'm one of the highest paid individuals in our bracket (determined by number of years worked for the district, number of years worked in child care, AND having a bachelor's degree), so that was a pleasant surprise.

AND, then today, Hubs text me while I was at work to drop the news -- the raise that he and the higher ups have been debating for FOUR fucking months finally came through!  He's now making over $46,000 a year!  It breaks down to about an extra $1300 a PAYCHECK (after taxes).  ::does a happy dance::

And continuing with the wild hairs.....I jumped on the elliptical today.  First time in well over 6 months.  Technically, I'm about 15 pounds over the max "healthy" weight for my height -- though, to be honest, I need to lose about 25 pounds to be good again.  And I'm tired of just HURTING all the damn time.  I mean, seriously?  I'm friggin' 33 years old.  I shouldn't be moving like an old lady. 

And Hubs has been working out, because his work shift changed and he works 11 am to 8 pm now.  So he gets up in the morning and is doing some light work outs as well.  So, ya know, he can't be the sexiest person in this relationship, so I've got to step up my game here.  And given that I'm home for about 2 hours before he could get home at the earliest, I don't really have an excuse NOT to work out. 

So I'm hoping that a bit of working out with help out with the weight...but also the head-space.

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