For me, this is a time of Standing Still. A pause in life, perfectly balanced between the Light and the Dark. And no, the Dark is not evil.
My Mabon Altar for this year:
Beginning on the left and working our way across:
Sekhmet statue, because the Lioness is always with me.
Gathering Candle – bought this last year from The Sage Goddess and while I doubt I’ll ever purchase this type of candle from her again (pricey and with very little aroma), it fit beautifully with the altar.
Gold Candle Holder with a Hawk’s feather – symbolizes the Light half of the year.
Apple Candle – purchased for Mabon from Pumpkin and Cauldron – not sure I’ll buy this one again or not. I typically loath glitter.
Silver Candle Holder with an Owl’s feather – symbolizes the Dark half of the year.
Incense – Ancient Sandalwood from My Oakheart Creations – HIGHLY recommend her incense. It’s AWESOME.
Two pumpkin candles – picked up from Michael’s. Just love ‘em!
Two bronze leaf candle holders (holding the pumpkin candles) – picked up at Hobby Lobby.
I had all sorts of good ideas for this ceremony that ended up not panning out. ::laughs:: Originally, I wasn’t going to wear the red flame robe that Jennifer made for me. Instead, I wanted a black robe, but the only one I have is from my college graduation. I figured “Waste not, want not”. I didn’t realize the material was HORRIBLE. Yeah, that will be donated soon.
So I slipped on the red flame robe, and my god. Like silk across my skin. THIS is what I was meant to wear. ::smiles::
And then, I was debating on whether I should use my athame (which I LOVE) or my wand (which I also LOVE), to call in the Quarters and the Goddess – I don’t typically Cast a Circle.
Instead…the drum I made back in May called out to be used. And, damn, did I love it! Do wish it had a deeper voice, but honestly, it’s perfect for apartment use.
Surprisingly, Sekhmet was most pleased with the drum. I could practically hear Her purring throughout the ritual. LOVE it when that happens.
And Nicky (a good friend) posted about how at her Coven’s Mabon Ritual, they each drew two Tarot cards. The first one represents the year that is winding down and the second one represents the year ahead. And I just loved that idea, so I straight up stole it! ::laughs::
For the Year that is Winding Down, I drew the 6 of Pentacles:

You give of your resources freely, but are you paying attention to what you are doing? Are you giving people what they need or just what it pleases you to give? Be aware of proud but dispassionate giving.
You give of your resources freely, but are you paying attention to what you are doing? Are you giving people what they need or just what it pleases you to give? Be aware of proud but dispassionate giving.
For the Year Ahead, I drew Temperance:

Moderate your life in all ways: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Let your action (or inaction) be appropriate to the situation. This card, more than any other in the Tarot, speaks of perfect balance perfectly expressed. Be aware of intemperance and extremes in behavior.
Moderate your life in all ways: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Let your action (or inaction) be appropriate to the situation. This card, more than any other in the Tarot, speaks of perfect balance perfectly expressed. Be aware of intemperance and extremes in behavior.
Quite a bit of food for thought there.