Saturday, April 4, 2015

Full Moon / Esbat

Full Moon is tonight.  It's actually the Full Pink Moon, though everyone's calling it a "blood" Moon, because of the lunar eclipse that will occur bright and early tomorrow morning.  *sighs*  The Blood Moon isn't until October, but it's humorous to see everyone getting so worked up over this "blood" Moon.  Just another one of those situations where the new stations figure it sounds cool so they just run with it without understanding one part of the whole thing.

This Full Moon is supposed to be extra auspicious for goals and plans revolving around knowledge.  So fortuitous for me, as I planned to bless my GRE prep manual in hopes that it will motivate me to pick it back up.  Gotta love when these things sync up so nicely.

Hell, most of the time I don't even check what the "correspondence" is for each Moon.  I generally don't practice Magick.  *shrugs*  I always felt the best magick was in doing the work to accomplish your goals instead of lighting a candle and making a wish.  It's been my experience the gods help those who first help themselves. 

Then again, maybe if I had some warm and fuzzy gods, I could sit back more and let them do the work.  That shit isn't tolerated one iota by Sekhmet, La Lupa, the Serpent, nor the Harpies.  I have butt-kicking deities and spirits that I work with and they certainly have no qualms in smacking me upside my head and telling me to do the work myself.  Now, they will lend a hand when called upon in real need.  But they certainly will not do all the work for me.

I do love these tangents that I go off on.  It simply drives home that spirituality and beliefs are more like a spider web for me.  You cannot touch one strand without setting all the others a-quiver.  It's all linked back together, one way or another.

Anyways, back to the Full Moon.  Full Moon rituals are called Esbats in neo-Paganism/Wicca.  For me, an Esbat is usually just a time for me to pause and enjoy the beauty of a lovely Full Moon.  Seriously, my breath never fails to catch when I spy a Full Moon, and these Esbats are just reminders for me to take pause from my every day, mundane life, and appreciate the beauty.  To reaffirm my connection to the Natural World.  To the world that makes the most sense me on all levels.

I generally do not Cast a Circle.  Honestly, I rarely Cast a Circle.  In ritual, most of the time, I'm just connecting back with the Natural World, so why would I cast a magickal boundary separating me from that?  I have more than enough separation in my every day life.  I do not seek to bolster that in my spiritual customs as well.

So, for me, the Full Moon is a call to my Lupine Spirit.  It reaffirms my place in the Natural World.  It brings me back to my core Customs.  I may be dedicated to a solar Goddess, but my heart and spirit belong to the Night, to the Wolf, and to the Moon.  Always.  Those were the first things my spirit connected with, and I feel it will be that way all my life.

Time to go howl at the Moon.

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