Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Be Daring

There's a little voice deep in my heart that keeps whispering over and over to me to do something daring.

An artist online that I watch on DeviantArt is taking a POLAR EXPEDITION!  I mean, come on! It doesn't get more daring than that.

And Dusty, a dear, dear friend of mine, recently up and moved himself, his wife, and their five children from here in Texas down to Puerto Rico!  And gods, the view and sheer awesome that he's flooded his Facebook with from there?  Makes my heart swoon.  Positively swoon.  Even if the reptile population is sorely lacking in snakes.  But seriously, how daring is that?  They did the whole sell everything I own and fly to Puerto Rico in a damn month.  Shocking and awesome and everything.

And of course, with him offering his "apartment" there that's attached to his house to anyone who wants to travel down there and stay a bit, it's just so damn tempting.  He said that generally, he's planning to charge $85 a night...but that he'd give it to me for just $50.  All I have to do is fly down.  And gods, it's so damn tempting.

I'm longing to just go do something reckless.  Just something out of the blue and random and fun and exhilarating.  I need something to feel my Gypsy soul and rekindle that passion I have for LIFE.

Yes, I'm going back to Wolf Park this year.  But that's not until October and I'm needing something NOW.

But it's not even like I have the money right now to do anything.  After school program paycheck was REALLY light due to Spring Break (an entire week unpaid), plus the three snow days (again, unpaid).  Starbucks check is fairly steady, though the tips fluctuate like you wouldn't believe.  And yes, I have $3400 in savings, but that's going towards my Polar Bear trip and I seriously do not want to touch even a dime from that.  Hell, I don't even consider that any sort of realistic spending money to be honest.  Sure, I'd use it in an emergency, but for something like this?  I just can't. 

I need to DARE to really study for that damn GRE. 
I need to DARE to return to school....to pursue my Master's degree. 
I need to DARE to land a full time job, that pays well, that has great benefits, so that I can do all these things I want to do and more.

Improving myself.  Challenging myself.  Electing to evolve into a better me?  That's gotta be one of the most daring things I could elect to do. 

More daring than solo road trips cross county.
More daring than Vision Quests in a whole different state.
More daring than face time with wolves.
More daring than tropical vacations with a bestie as crazy as myself.
More daring than a tattoo, or cutting off my hair, or dying it purple, or anything else I can think off.

Dream more dangerously, lil Wolf.  See beyond the quick fix.  Go for the long time daring act.

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