So I grab my pocket camera and off we go to look at this "baby bushmaster".
It's the most adorable, and PISSED the FUCK OFF garter snake ever. It was coiled in typical s-pattern strike position and struck numerous times. Would have been scary if it wasn't merely 6 inches long and about as thick as a pencil at its center. *laughs* I'm not sure it's teeth could have punctured my skin if it wanted to.
Once it realized I wasn't trying to eat it or hurt it, it calmed down and was quite mellow.
Man, I wished the face was in focus. But it gives ya an idea of how tiny it really was.
So I told the dog owner that it's a lil garter snake, non-venomous, and she was so relieved. She was in awe that I'd even pick the thing up and was even more shocked when it mellowed out and let me handle it with complete ease. I love showing people that snakes aren't evil.
I was seriously tempted to keep this little guy. But I was good and released him into a safe area, away from dogs. *smiles*
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