Sunday, March 24, 2013

Simple Pleasures

ART: So Close Together
ARTIST: Tiefenschaerfe

I'm actually feeling pretty damn good about myself and about life in general.
Such a rare feeling for me.
Especially since it's not tied to a manic episode.
Such a nice feeling.

Ritual was pleasant last night. 
We cast the Circle and I called in both West and North. 
My voice was firm and loud, which is rare for me.  But I'm comfortable with our Coven of four, so I feel a bit less self-conscious.
Though, I think I'll ask if I can call in South next time.  I miss calling in the South -- the heat that comes in when I call it.  *smiles*  That's the realm of Sekhmet, my matron goddess, so I'm good at calling in that quarter.  But maybe....I need to practice calling in the other directions too.  That is something I had wanted to work on....guess I'm getting what I asked for!  *laughs*

And then we sat and discussed what Spring means to each of us and what Spring is bringing into our lives. 
For me, I said it was coming back into the Light.  For me Autumn and Winter are periods of DEEP introspection.  I set my goals/intentions for the year on my birthday (in November), so I spend a lot of time looking inward.  The Spring finds me like the Bear, coming up out of my den, blinking into the light.  I'm a little stiff, but I'm up and moving once more.

I did 17 minutes on the elliptical before going to ritual.  That's a minute longer than the previous time I was on it (on Monday).  My left hip hurts a bit, but nothing major.  I plan to walk Holly today and just stretch out those muscles. 

I keep reminding myself that baby steps in the right direction will get me there faster than just sitting on my ass because I want to do something BIG but don't dedicate myself to actually doing it.

My meeting with the graduate program at UNT was a little disheartening.  She told me that Texas Tech has an AMAZING forensic anthropology (a specialization under forensic science) program, complete with its own body farm.....but I have no desire to move to Lubbock.  And it is a crazy competitive field. 

So I'm back to becoming a teacher.  I figure I'll do that and take classes at the Art Institute of Dallas to get my photography degree. 
Plus, David would like to be a pharmacist.  So once I get settled into a teaching position, he wants to go back to school to do that. 
And he shouldn't be forced to stay in a job that is eating him alive just because I'm too damn flighty to study for a damn test. 
Besides, it's not like I'll teach forever....
And even if I do....I can think of a lot of jobs that would be worse for me. 
This way I would get summers and weekends and major holidays off.

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