Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kick Up Your Heels

art via Pinterest

Kick up your heels!  It's Spring Break time!  Woohoo!

I was planning to write that last night, but I got sucked into watching Bones with David and thus didn't get around to it.

And Bones has got me to thinking....wonder if I could pull off being a forensic anthropologist?  I've already got a bachelor's in anthropology and my Mom's offered to pay for the first year of Master's school if I wish to go....  I just don't know if I could stomach the smell of rotting/burnt flesh.  The gore, I don't think would effect me...but smell....that's a whole 'nother shebang.  I plan to email the University of North Texas's anthropology grad school people and set up a time to go talk to them about the possibility of me going back and what all it would entail. 

I'm tired of floating.  Of one career idea grasping me for a while, only to lose interest in it the next month.

Fuck it.  I should just work on getting my Masters in Herpetology and get licensed to own and handle venomous reptiles.  Then I could try to get on at zoos or the Texas Parks and Wildlife, or start my own snake removal (and release) program.  I dunno.  I'm just needing something I'm passionate about.  I'd rather study wolves, but that would require a move, as Texas doesn't have wolves (outside of zoos and one sanctuary).  And I don't personally want to live anywhere north of Kansas for the winters.  *chuckles*  Because I'm a Texan and I don't do snow for more than 3 days MAX.

I've decided that for my 40th birthday, if I'm unable to afford my Polar Bear trip, I want to do a 2 month internship at Wolf Park instead.  Hell, it would be awesome if I could do both!

So yeah, like I was saying at the beginning of the entry, woohoo for Spring Break!  I've got all of next week off.  I plan to do some working out, a lot of artistic things, and some serious cleaning.  Plus shoot off an email to UNT about their Master's programs in animal biology (if they even have it) and physical/forensic anthropology. 

As for the baby-sitting's looking more and more like I won't be getting it.  They are wanting me for dirt pay, and I just can't do that.  I'm not watching a herd of boys, taking them swimming, etc for less than what I've asked.  I have an interview on the 18th for the Summer Camp, and while that pay is crap, it's at least money.  I've given the family my lowered offer, but I'm not holding my breath.  I'm already giving them a huge price decrease from what I normally charge, which isn't that much higher than if you put the kids into a summer program at a day care.  I just hate it when people expect the moon for just pennies on the dollar. 

And another thing -- if they had a set amount of money they were willing to pay, why did they want ME to come up with the figure I wanted to be paid.  It would have been nice to have them say, "Hey, we'd like you to watch our kids, but we can only pay XYZ.  Will that work?"  I'd be far more willing to work with that, than them saying "Hey, we'd like you to watch our kids, what would you charge?"  And then come back with "Wow, that's WAY more expensive than we've paid in the past.  We'll have think about it."  Such bullshit.  But whatever.  We'll find a way to survive the summer.  We always do.

Class tonight with the Coven.  We're doing the Fehu and Urzu runes tonight.  If Herold is there, I'm gifting a Red tailed Hawk feather to him.  His totem is the Great Horned Owl.  And Red-tailed Hawk is the solar counterpart to the Great Horned Owl, so I thought it would be a nice gift. 

And I think that covers just about everything I wanted/needed to ramble about.

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