Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yep, I got up early (a truly herculean feat for me as of late) and went to our Municipal Building and cast my vote.  I took a book along (Demon: A Memoir by Tosca Lee) as I was expecting a long line.  Nope.  I didn't even have to wait.  I was in and out in under 6 minutes.  Smooth operating.  Now it's just a waiting game to see how the chips will fall in this election.

Depression has been running rampant in my head these past few weeks.  I'm sure if I had the ability, I would sleep 12 hours a day easily for months on end.  I've upped my medication and have seen some improvement, but not enough to banish the depression (and the desire to cut that always comes with it) completely.

This weekend is jammed packed with activities.  I'm exhausted just looking at it, to be honest, but they're all things I want to do.

Friday is an early release day for the students, so we report to work at NOON (instead of 2:15) and work until 6:30 pm.  The extra cash will be nice.  After work is Mike and Lillian's Halloween Party.  I was going to make something to take over there, but I'm just too exhausted (MoonTime started on Tuesday, which saps a lot of energy out of me).

Saturday is the Boardwalk Ferrari Fall Conscorso -- 60+ Ferraris on display and it's FREE to the public.  The next showing won't be until sometime in the Spring, so I would really like to go to this. 

Saturday night is the Coven's Samhain ritual.  This is the first time the Coven is having one, as we usually go to Raven's for her public ritual.  I always bow out of that because I'm just not a fan of public rituals and I think that Samhain isn't the best ritual to make public.  It's my favorite holy day and yet, I feel like most of the public wants to be there just in hopes of seeing something cool/creepy/spooky etc.  I just find it disrespectful.  *shrugs*

But after that, it's a nice quite Sunday, that I'm sure I'll sleep in until noon and just be an utter bum the rest of the day.

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