I'm feeling all snarky and fangy and wild.
I blame it on the cool weather that has blown in.
I blame it on the upcoming Samhain....the thinning of the Veil between this world and the Afterworld.
I blame it on the upcoming Full Moon.
I blame it on my MoonTime coming to an end.
I have Patty's journal right now, and since I know she did one fucking page in my journal, even though she had it for 3 fucking weeks, I'm finding it very hard to give a damn. I don't really want to work in it. I find it insulting that she could only find the time to do one goddamn page. And all she did was write. It wasn't like she was painting or drawing or even gluing things in. Just one simple, handwritten page. Nothing fancy at all. I just find it a slap in the face. So I'm pretty sure I don't be doing any more swaps with her.
Mike's party last night was a bust for David and I. I've had a two week long headache going on, and we only knew like three people there. I'd taken headache medicine, so I couldn't drink. Besides, I don't like huge crowds of people I don't know...hence why I was never a fan of the bar scene. So yeah, we stayed maybe 2 hours and came home.
We opted out of going to the Ferrari thing. And I'm not going to ritual tonight either. I'm just not feeling it. And the headache is still hanging out, just off stage.
A friend of mine sent me the following message on Facebook:
"What do you believe? Pagan wise? I believe nothing and I respect you more than almost everyone else in the world. Please teach me of paganism."
My answer:
"oh geez, where to start? Paganism is so friggin' broad that it covers just about anything. my Path is more of a blend of Native American elements, shamanism, goddess worship, witchcraft (not to be confused with Black Magic), Gypsy magick, plus a bit of LeVay Satanic theology tossed in.
no hell, no heaven.....afterlife is what you make of it.
i live by the general premise of do unto others as you would have them do unto you......but if they cross me, i have no problem seeking vengeance. loyalty is given to those who deserve it.
i'm personally dedicated to the goddess Sekhmet.
i seek to align myself with the natural world, as that is where i find harmony personally."
And that's just me in the broadest of sweeps.
I know most people will read the whole thing and latch onto just the part of LeVay Satanic theology, so let me explain that a bit better.
I've read just bits and pieces of the Satanic Bible (really do plan to read the whole thing one day), and parts of it really stuck out to me. The main one was LeVay's rant against the whole "Love thy neighbor as thyself" spiel. His reasoning? If you love a pedophile to the same degree and level and depth that you love your own mother, doesn't that cheapen and insult the love you have for your mother? I found that to be a very eye opening statement. And it really struck a cord with me.
I'm not Wiccan.
I don't worship a god. Sure I tip my hat to him, just as I tip my hat to Christ and to Buddha and to any other holy people. But I don't take a knee to them.
Guess that's my touch of arrogance. My jaded view on male divinity. I'll tip my hat and not be too disrespectful, but don't expect me to fall to my knees for you.
I'm a bit less tame than most would like.
I'm a bit more outspoken now.
There's a bit more violence in my heart than most would prefer.
I'll go to the ends of the earth for those who have earned my loyalty and love.
But I'll only go so far for those who haven't earned it.
And for those who have earned my distrust, disgust, dislike? Hell, you better count yourself lucky if I don't add to your misery.
It takes a lot to get on my bad side, my bad list....but once you're on it, there's pretty much no coming back.
So this is me.
Take it or leave it.
I don't really give a shit.
Those who love me, know I'll go to bat for them any time, any where, no questions asked.
And those who don't, well, you might as well shut your mouth and walk away and count your lucky stars I'm not coming after you.
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