Ok, as of Thursday, I have heard from all family and friends in Ukraine. Most are out already. But one family decided to stay. They were in Odesa originally, when it was first attacked – a Dad (whom I am friends with), a Mom, a 17 year old son, and a 15 year old daughter. Technically, the mother and daughter could have left Ukraine. But they are Jews – they have no extended family to go to. And to say that Poland doesn’t exactly elicit warm fuzzy feelings for them is an understatement. The father and son would be required to stay and fight. So, as a family, they decided to face the One Unknown together, than Two Unknowns separated – they are headed to Kyiv to all fight. And I understand their desire to stay together – the real fear of separation – the fear of part of your family being sent off to Poland. I get that. And my heart breaks that THIS is a choice they’ve had to make – to have to lead your children into war. But I respect that, and I am praying HARD for them daily.
So yeah, if you are asking if I’m ok – don’t. Because I’m not. I’m holding it all together, don’t get me wrong. But yeah, I’m a fragile mess right now.
Hubs and his mom are doing well. They had a rough patch yesterday, as that’s when his mom brought home George’s ashes. Kind of really solidified his death fully. You can’t pretend now that he’s still at the hospital or anything like that. But other than that, they are both doing quite well. We’re planning to hopefully go up there in May for a week or so. We were HOPING to go in April, but apparently that is the month that most of my coworkers are taking vacations and with me being the newest one to their team, they get first dibs. So May it is.
Yeah, I think I may go into some serious filtering of my social medias. If you surround yourself with a shit ton of people who are utter garbage…it really makes me question why the fuck I’m friends with you. And right now, if you have a bulk of Putin apologists as friends? Why the fuck would I want to be around someone who caters to that?
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