Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Petty? Me? Naw

Photo from Tuesday:


Why, yes, I DID do a cute page on the Rexie puppet’s outfits in my journal. Why you may ask? Because my quasi-supervisor said the Rexie was “girlie” in one of the supervisor meetings. So yeah, I’m embracing the fuck out of this now. I’m going balls to the walls on this. If he wants to be a fucking stick in the mud, then he can be a stick in the mud. I don’t have to join him there.

I also had a meeting with HR about filing a formal complaint against him. So that is said and done now. Needless to say the HR lady was BLOWN away by what I had to say. And I was seriously pulling my punches and being extremely diplomatic. So now, it’s just the fun waiting game. Waiting for her to have a talk with my quasi-supervisor and then seeing what, if any, the fallout will be for me. She’s given me her cell phone number in case there is any fallout. She wants to know immediately.

I’m not sharing today’s photo. It has too much personal information and by the time I blot out of that out, you wouldn’t be able to tell what it was. ::chuckles:: But I got my first official business cards for the library today. My director was so embarrassed that it’s been this long to get them. She could have sworn they had ordered me some when they first hired me (ya know, a year ago), but apparently, they just MADE the order, never PLACED the order. And what know what a shitshow 2020 was. So yeah, that all just kind of got swept to the side. Oh well. Doesn’t matter, as I have them now. ::smiles:: And I’m rather pleased. Tomorrow, I’ll find one of the acrylic displays we have and put it out on the Youth Desk, so my business cards can be out there as well as quasi-supervisor’s.

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