ended up being another kidney stone. This shit AIN'T FUN AT ALL. I
could feel this one as it left my kidney and traveled to my bladder --
that's what all the side/back/hip pain was about. But let me tell you,
that was NOTHING compared to the final journey out of the body.
::shakes her head:: Yeah, if I never have to do that again, it will be
too soon.
my Canadian Twin, recommended some natural supplements to help. She's
prone to kidney stones, and says this is a friggin' god send. It helps
lessen the stones formation over all, and make the stones that do form,
form smaller, so they are much easier to pass. I immediately hopped on
Amazon and bought it -- price be damned.
also looked into diet changes. Gotta cut back on my salt intake and my
sugar intake. Ya know you are getting old, when your husband asks you
want you want for Christmas and you say a blender and a food processor.
::laughs:: With the blender, I'll be trying out some of Mary's
smoothie recipes to up my fruit and veggie intake. The food processor
is because I plan to start my insane acorn processing journey soon! And
I am NOT grinding those damn acorns by hand to make into flour. Hell
to the no. ::laughs::
need the weather to stay nice for a few days, so I can go collect a
bunch of the burr oak acorns at my local library. There's an oak tree
by the library I work at that also has some big acorns (not as big as
burr oaks), that I plan to gather up each time I go out to my car on
break. ::smiles:: I figure, I can gather quite a few throughout the
day, each day that the weather is nice.
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