Getting my witch on today.
Man, I seriously love having Fridays off, even if it means I have to work Saturday. ::chuckles::
I made a quick trip over to the Hearth Wisdom store and picked up some incense (as I STILL haven’t found my Big O Box of incense) and some herbs, plus two more green goldstones, because they are just too damn pretty to pass up. It ended up costing about what I was planning to spend on a Sage Goddess perfume oil, so yeah, won’t be getting that perfume oil. Which is fine. I have more than enough. Besides, I have plenty of her oils that I can hopefully trade for the one I am wanting. ::smiles::
Anyways, back to the original topic. I finally got around to making a batch of the Crown of Success Oil.
Here’s a shot of my very chaotic working altar:
Seriously, chaotic. But man, I love the energy I get there. This is also where I do my Zoom chats/rituals with my Coven, so yeah, it’s building up some nice energy there.
Here’s a close up of the oil itself:
So pretty. Granted this is just day one of thirty. I have to shake it daily for thirty days and then I’ll strain out all of the herbs. And then this oil will be ready to go. ::smiles:: I can’t wait. It’s going to be hard not to open it between now and then just to see if it smells correctly. ::chuckles::
I’ll need to be sure to send a bottle of it to my high priestess (she send me sandalwood chips), Mary (she sent me frankincense tears), and to Lyndsay (she sent me three different herbs that she wild-gathered herself) to help me make this oil.
Other than that, my energy has been crazy chaotic lately. I don’t know if it’s due to the full moon. Or the COVID lock down is really finally getting to me. Or if it’s due to Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn all being massive dicks to each other. Or if Spring Fever is just hitting me late in the season. Or if it’s just my Feral Self demanding a change.
But fuck man, I haven’t even been comfortable in my own skin for over a week now. I feel like I’m climbing the walls and that I’m completely trapped. I feel like I need to DO something. GO somewhere. Only I don’t know what this SOMETHING is.
The desire to just scream at the sky…..
To dig in the dirt with my hands…not to plant anything or to dig anything specific up….just to…tear up the dirt…..
To bite and claw….
The snarls are there…just behind my teeth.
Man, it was so good to just drive to Arlington (about 40 minutes) today. That wanderlust is running strong.
The impulse when I’m driving home from work…to just keep driving until I run out of gas…is strong. And it’s not like I hate my life or that I’m trying to escape anything. I just need some feral time I guess.
I’m hoping the partial head shaving will appease the Feral Goddess. Because the next step is a tattoo. ::grins toothily::
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