Well, I’m working from home now. Yesterday, the city went ahead and closed the
library completely.
From home, I will be working on making sample crafts for the
rest of the year’s preschool story times.
Not a bad gig, if I do say so myself.
And I’ll be working on April and May’s book orders as well.
But yeah….we have NO idea when we’ll be back in the
And then there was a major hiccup with my mood stabilizer. I’ve been trying to get it refilled for a few
days now. I take it twice a day, and
took the last dose I have this morning.
So yeah, I was beginning to panic because taking a mood stabilizer away
from me right now? That I would have to
quit cold turkey? Yeah, I don’t see that
going over too well for me.
But after calling my doctor’s office and then the pharmacy AGAIN…we’ve
got it straightened out. Plus, my doctor
has approved it for a 90-day supply, which will be a huge relief. I’ll be able to pick that up in a half hour. So that’s a massive weight off of my
We had our first Work Zoom conference today. As of right now, we’re doing that only as
I’ve made a list of things to do during the Quarantine
I need to make a list of things I want to journal about as
well, because I have really fallen off that bandwagon.
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