Friday, February 28, 2020


written: Feb 07

There is something incredibly disheartening about listening to your coworkers make fun of a belief you have.  Granted, my coworkers don't know I'm a witch and that I work with crystals and things.  But listening to them make fun of a crystal book the library just ordered, really reminded me that I'm definitely the minority here.

And I'm seriously tired of it.  I was getting grumpy at myself for my knee-jerk reaction of aversion anytime something Christian popped up on my Pinterest while I was scrolling through for ideas for my story times.  But, honestly, it's because Christianity is so accepted and I'm tired of my religion not being so accepted.  

I mean, for example.  WitchFest in Austin already knows of a number of Churches and Individuals that are planning on demonstrating against the event and the people coming to enjoy it.  Could you imagine if we did the same for any sort of Church rally or Church camp?  And of course, the people hosting WitchFest are strongly urging everyone to just ignore the hecklers and to not engage.  Which I get.  But at the same time, why the fuck do we always have to lay down and let them walk all over us?  Why do we have to be the meek and civil?  When are we allowed to be outraged at their prejudice?  When are we allowed to push back?  When are we allowed to be protected from this continued bigotry?

I dunno.  I'm just TIRED of it.  I am halfway tempted to buy a Church of Satan bumper sticker to put in my cubicle.  ::chuckles::  I wouldn't put it on my car, because I can't afford people to fuck it up due to the bumper sticker.  Realistically, I will be bringing my little bowl of crystals up to work.  One of my new pen-pals did an ATC (artist trading card) of Sekhmet for me, that I want to bring up to work as well.

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