written: Dec 29
Photo 638/1001
David finished up my bathroom. There are a few little things left to
do, but he’s almost completely done. And I love the way it turned out.
The walls ended up a darker gray than we had planned, but I think it
still looks friggin’ amazing. Now, I’m taking my time to figure out
what to keep in my bathroom and what to get rid of. I definitely want
to keep my bathroom looking nice.
I found a Staples store sort of near my work. And seeing as how I’m
about halfway through my current journal, I thought I would swing by and
pick up some new ones. I ended up picking up two new journals and 3
composition notebooks – they were on sale. So I’m set for a while on
journals, I think. It seems they are phasing out the journals I use –
they only had it in blush pink. Yeah, thanks but no thanks. I guess
I’ll have to order them from the Poppin’ website instead of Staples once
I get back around to needing a new journal.
I’ve decided to change things up in 2020 with my handwritten journal.
I’m not going to set aside a full page for each day, as I’ve skipped
over at least half, or only written two or three sentences for the day.
Instead, I will just write when the need strikes and not force it to be
so structured. Rigidness with my journaling practice seems to be the
kiss of death for any sort of creativity. I definitely need to remember
I did finally begin gathering together my grad school papers. I’ve
got a bin I’m putting them all in and then I just have to take the bin
downstairs when it’s time to burn them. I am thinking of keeping some
of the ash from the papers, like a talisman for knowledge and
dedication. I dunno. I’ll probably toss it after a year or so. But
for now, I’m just not 100% ready to let it go.
Other than that, I am slowly going through my stuff and tossing the
obvious trash. I just keep getting overwhelmed and have to take a
break. Honestly, I should set a 15-minute timer and just see what I can
get through in that amount of time. Instead I look at the massive
amount of work I need to get done, and panic and leave the room.
::laughs:: Needless to say, I’m not making much headway in this
department at the moment.
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