Photo 337/1001
A tumbled piece of GREEN goldstone. Normally, I do not really care for green, but this stone is just gorgeous. I hate that the green is not showing up properly. Maybe if the sun ever reappears, I can get a shot of it in natural light and hopefully show off the green.
So yeah. Today was the Bone Divination class. I checked my GPS last night and it said it would take me 25 minutes to get there. I get ready to leave today 30 minutes before class, and the GPS says it will take me 45 minutes! What the fuck???? Yeah, I ended up 20 minutes late to the class and there was nowhere to sit and they were well into the class information at that point. So I said fuck it and did some shopping at the Store instead. Because there is no way I drove 45 minutes to a Pagan store and going to return home empty handed.
And honestly, from the bits and pieces I heard of the class, it sounded more like a trinket reading than a bone reading. Little trinkets and charm bracelet pieces, with a few bones thrown in here and there. I was hoping for more bones. ::chuckles:: I will probably still take the class the next time it is offered though. And I have already noted how long it takes me to get to the Store, so for the upcoming candle magick class, I should arrive with plenty of time.
I already got my grade back on Big Paper #2 – 100%. Woohoo! That brings my grade for the class up to a 92. Thank goodness. I even tried to be a good student and start lesson 3 today…but the professor does not have it available yet. ::sighs:: Hopefully it will be open tomorrow and I can get a jump start on that.
I did get a bit of cleaning done up in my room. Changed the sheets on my bed and vacuumed the room. I did a tiny bit of cleaning on the art table – tossing obvious trash. But there is just so much there that you cannot even tell I touched it. Baby steps, so I do not get completely overwhelmed and just ignore it for another year.
I am down to just two pen pal letters at this point that need replying to. I am rather proud of myself on that. Though I am sure that as soon as I finish and mail those out, I will get a flood of letters to bury me again. ::chuckles:: I do need to start working in Ali’s journal as well. I might even bust out some paints for this one. Well, I will have to first go through and toss all the paints that have dried out. Then I can choose from what I have left. ::chuckles::
So all in all, a good, busy, but productive weekend that did not completely exhaust me. That is quite rare for me at times, especially considering the amount of people I was around most of the weekend.

A tumbled piece of GREEN goldstone. Normally, I do not really care for green, but this stone is just gorgeous. I hate that the green is not showing up properly. Maybe if the sun ever reappears, I can get a shot of it in natural light and hopefully show off the green.
So yeah. Today was the Bone Divination class. I checked my GPS last night and it said it would take me 25 minutes to get there. I get ready to leave today 30 minutes before class, and the GPS says it will take me 45 minutes! What the fuck???? Yeah, I ended up 20 minutes late to the class and there was nowhere to sit and they were well into the class information at that point. So I said fuck it and did some shopping at the Store instead. Because there is no way I drove 45 minutes to a Pagan store and going to return home empty handed.
And honestly, from the bits and pieces I heard of the class, it sounded more like a trinket reading than a bone reading. Little trinkets and charm bracelet pieces, with a few bones thrown in here and there. I was hoping for more bones. ::chuckles:: I will probably still take the class the next time it is offered though. And I have already noted how long it takes me to get to the Store, so for the upcoming candle magick class, I should arrive with plenty of time.
I already got my grade back on Big Paper #2 – 100%. Woohoo! That brings my grade for the class up to a 92. Thank goodness. I even tried to be a good student and start lesson 3 today…but the professor does not have it available yet. ::sighs:: Hopefully it will be open tomorrow and I can get a jump start on that.
I did get a bit of cleaning done up in my room. Changed the sheets on my bed and vacuumed the room. I did a tiny bit of cleaning on the art table – tossing obvious trash. But there is just so much there that you cannot even tell I touched it. Baby steps, so I do not get completely overwhelmed and just ignore it for another year.
I am down to just two pen pal letters at this point that need replying to. I am rather proud of myself on that. Though I am sure that as soon as I finish and mail those out, I will get a flood of letters to bury me again. ::chuckles:: I do need to start working in Ali’s journal as well. I might even bust out some paints for this one. Well, I will have to first go through and toss all the paints that have dried out. Then I can choose from what I have left. ::chuckles::
So all in all, a good, busy, but productive weekend that did not completely exhaust me. That is quite rare for me at times, especially considering the amount of people I was around most of the weekend.
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