Photo 365/1001

Some truly beautiful lilies and roses I saw at Tom Thumb today. I was tempted to purchase them, but that’s $16 that could be better spent elsewhere and tomorrow’s paycheck is a light one. ::pouts::
One year done…just 636 days left in this particular challenge. ::chuckles::
It’s been a wonderfully quiet day here at home. I changed the sheets on my bed and vacuumed the room. It’s always amazing how much just those two simple acts really change the energy of my room.
After that, I worked on various sigils while listening to Poe. Haven’t listened to her in ages, but I still know every word to her songs. ::smiles:: I sketched out the banishing sigil on top of the jar I’ll be using for it. The sigil I printed out was a bit too large to apply directly to the lid, so I had to sketch it instead. I’ll go over it with the wood burner sometime soon-ish. I had also printed out a sigil for strong, healthy, long hair that I had planned to put on the back of my hair brush. But again, I printed it too large, so I just free-handed instead with a sharpie. It turned out pretty good.
Oh, and I picked up a green candle to being working on my “Manifesting the Right Job for Me” spell I have underway.
I also went through half of my closet and pulled out shirts I have not worn in ages. Those will all be donated this week. Still need to do the other half of the closet. I really want to come up with a good way to organize it and make it useful. It is a MASSIVE closet, but not particularly useful at the moment. I really need to get in there and do a deep clean and a massive organization run. All I need is the money to buy the stuff to organize my closet with. ::chuckles:: Slowly but surely, I’ll get there eventually.

Some truly beautiful lilies and roses I saw at Tom Thumb today. I was tempted to purchase them, but that’s $16 that could be better spent elsewhere and tomorrow’s paycheck is a light one. ::pouts::
One year done…just 636 days left in this particular challenge. ::chuckles::
It’s been a wonderfully quiet day here at home. I changed the sheets on my bed and vacuumed the room. It’s always amazing how much just those two simple acts really change the energy of my room.
After that, I worked on various sigils while listening to Poe. Haven’t listened to her in ages, but I still know every word to her songs. ::smiles:: I sketched out the banishing sigil on top of the jar I’ll be using for it. The sigil I printed out was a bit too large to apply directly to the lid, so I had to sketch it instead. I’ll go over it with the wood burner sometime soon-ish. I had also printed out a sigil for strong, healthy, long hair that I had planned to put on the back of my hair brush. But again, I printed it too large, so I just free-handed instead with a sharpie. It turned out pretty good.
Oh, and I picked up a green candle to being working on my “Manifesting the Right Job for Me” spell I have underway.
I also went through half of my closet and pulled out shirts I have not worn in ages. Those will all be donated this week. Still need to do the other half of the closet. I really want to come up with a good way to organize it and make it useful. It is a MASSIVE closet, but not particularly useful at the moment. I really need to get in there and do a deep clean and a massive organization run. All I need is the money to buy the stuff to organize my closet with. ::chuckles:: Slowly but surely, I’ll get there eventually.