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A note on our vending machine at work that made me chuckle out loud.
Damn, depression was BAD this morning. Like....REALLY, REALLY bad. Hello suicide ideation. Haven’t been that bad in ages. I’m just thankful it wasn’t ACTIVE suicide ideation – I wasn’t actively planning how to kill myself. It was more passive – like, “why NOT spend money on a certain item? Not like I’m going to stick around long enough to have to pay for it.” One of the VERY few times you will hear me say, thank GOD for a staff meeting! ::laughs:: But seriously, it got me out of my house and forced me to focus on things OTHER than how shitty I was feeling, and that is usually a good cure (even if only temporarily) for the Oily Voice inside my head.
Due to a mix up on Megan’s part (one of my aides), we got Mackenzie as a sub today, even though we didn’t “need” her. And holy crap, I still just adore her. It’s like a friggin’ work crush. I’m not sexually attracted to her at all, but holy fuck, I’m in love with her as a coworker. ::laughs:: I’m not sure that makes any sense, but hey, that’s what I’m dealing with. I do hope we get her again tomorrow, when Megan really will be out for the first half of our work day.
Fuck, to show just how much of a work crush I have…I willingly offered and gave Mackenzie one of my Starbuck’s Frappuccinos (the ones in the bottle). I don’t share those with ANYONE. ::laughs:: But, thanks to Jess (my stellar aide), we have a mini-frig in our office, so I’m able to take advantage of 7-11’s sale (buy 2 for $5…instead of one for $2.99). So I had an extra one in the frig that hadn’t been opened. And I didn’t even hesitate offering it to Mackenzie. THAT’S how deep this work crush goes. ::chuckles:: And this is like the 2nd time I’ve ever interacted with her. Seriously, I would willingly give up ANY of my aides (other than Jess…I’m keeping her no matter what) to have Mackenzie on my campus full time.
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