Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I am amazed at how many people advocated me leaving my job on my previous post.  Wish I could do that, but I’ve got bills to pay.  And where else would I find a job that pays me just shy of $25 an hour to work part time, and have all weekends and school holidays OFF?  Yeah, you find me a job like that, I will quit this one in a heartbeat.  But until then, I gotta make that money.

Victory is at hand.
Kind of.

Horrid Aide got transferred to another campus, effective today.  So while it’s not the victory I had longed and hoped for (aka, she getting her punk ass fired), but it is still a victory.  For me, at least.

And sadly, I know the supervisor that’s getting said Horrid Aide and I really like that supervisor. 
(I may or may not have a girl crush on that supervisor….like hard core……)

But I have been officially ordered NOT to speak to that supervisor about ANYTHING involving Horrid Aide.  It’s tied up our company’s weirdly worded, super strict confidentially agreements.  ::shakes her head::  So yeah, even if Hottie McSupervisor comes and asks me pointblank about a behavior of Horrid Aide, I can’t tell her anything.  ::sighs:: 

Which, technically, if the bosses found this blog, I could possibly get into trouble for the breach in confidentiality.
Even though I don’t say Horrid Aide’s name, or even the company’s name, or even the specific elementary school I work at.  The agreements are that strict.

But yeah….all of that to say, Horrid Aide ain’t my problem no more!

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